Single CDN
A single CDN solution is recommended for companies that are only targeting certain geographic locations while the scale is still at its growing phase to distribute their website content globally.
Single CDN solution may be suitable for most market needs if website content/applications are mostly static; media streaming, social media platform, or web-based application may experience difficulties when delivering content to end users if traffic is above average.
Multi CDN
With Multi CDN, since multiple CDNs from different locations are available simultaneously, it is possible to deliver website content to users globally at its optimal speed. Not just speed, Multi CDN also serves the purpose of providing website a content delivery network redundancy solution, which allows it to avoid downtime and remain functional if any underlying CDNs failed.
A Multi CDN strategy can provide superior performance, reliability, and competitive advantage. With global acceleration including China, WAF, and DDoS protection can be your only solution or part of a Multi CDN strategy.
Multi CDN vs. Single CDN
While one CDN may be enough in a certain locality, a site owner may choose to implement further CDNs that have data centers in geographical areas where the main supplier isn’t highly represented. Multi CDN is highly preferred over single CDN because:
- CDN providers perform differently in different geographical regions
- Not all CDN providers are reliable as others
- Not all CDN providers include the same features and strategies as others
- You don’t need to switch CDN providers as this process becomes automated
- It’s the next big thing in e-commerce
One reason businesses choose Multi CDNs is so they don’t have to put all their eggs in one basket. While one CDN provider might claim to offer 100% uptime, in practicality, even the best CDN provider experience outages as well. Choosing more than one CDN provider means having a fallback should any supplier suffer an outage.